What if We Just Ate Real, Whole Foods?
Have you ever thought about how many things we call “food” that are a mere trace of what actual food once was? Think about how many packaged items you eat on a daily basis. What was at one time wheat or corn growing in a field, beef that was once a steer, or eggs that were […]
Cleaning Up Life this Fall – Some Compelling Questions For You To Consider
Fall is officially here!! My favorite, favorite, favorite time of year. Most people take time for Spring cleaning, but let’s talk about Fall cleaning…and I’m not talking about windows or baseboards (although a clean house does something good for you, too) but how about cleaning up how we’re living in other ways? Here’s some questions to ponder…see what […]
Where to Go in the Grocery Store for Better Health
When you walk in the grocery store, where you actually go in the store really matters, if you’re wanting to focus on your HEALTH. One of the best rules-of-thumb for grocery shopping is to stick to the perimeter of the store. Why? It’s where most of the real food is located!! Next time you head into the […]
What SALT should you use?
Salt is found on every table in America, so could 1 simple change in what you buy at the grocery store make a difference in your health? I would say emphatically, YES!! Here’s why: Nutritional Breakdown: The Key Differences between Iodized Table Salt and healthier alternatives like Celtic Grey Sea Salt and Redmond Salt from the ancient sea beds […]
Wheat & Rice – What You REALLY NEED to Know if You Want to Be Healthy!
Refined and so-called “enriched” grains are some of the most toxic & deficient things we can put into our bodies! Here’s why…to make white flour, wheat is sifted so that the bran & germ are removed leaving only white flour, then it’s bleached. Bran contains the protein & fiber, the germ contains the nutrients like Vitamin E, B-Vitamins, iron and trace minerals. […]
Eat Well to Live Well
You’re invited to join us at Clearview, Tuesday 2/20/24 5:30pm for our Eat to Live Well Workshop…this is a fun one where you get to come & learn but also get to sample some amazing high-phenolic olive oils from my recent trip to Greece and try some of my organic, home-milled & home-baked bread with […]
You Can Thrive!!
I’d like to invite you to our next Tuesday Night Wellness EAT WELL Workshop on February 20th, 5:30pm. Most of us are completely unaware of how food production in America has changed our lives and our health. We’ve unequivocally traded health for convenience, and now generational effects have taken hold. Over 100 years ago, wheat mills were local and […]
What are Seed Oils & Why We Should Avoid Them
Seed oils include: Canola (Rapeseed) oil, Corn oil, Cottonseed oil, Soybean oil, Sunflower oil, Safflower oil, Rice bran oil, and Peanut oil. In order to get these seeds into the form of an oil that is able to be used in food production/cooking, they have to go through a tremendous amount of chemical refining! For example, […]
Your Immune System is Amazing
We need to be reminded of this …AND… that we can crash our own immune systems by stress, being sedentary and the amount of sugar we eat. So, if you’re sitting around watching the news, and drinking a Dr. Pepper because you’re truly fearful and stressed out over world events, just know that you’re NOT […]
4 Critical Pieces in the Healing Puzzle
God created the human body to heal & repair even as we age. What we do (which ultimately demonstrates what we believe) has a massive effect on that process!