It’s crazy how many things we’ve been led to believe are harmful to our health that are actually vital, and these 3 things top that list, in my opinion! Let’s talk about how to health-fully put these things 3 back into our lives and thus reap really great benefits!
For years, skin cancer has been blamed on sun-exposure alone. But, did you know that the sun is our best and God-given source of Vitamin D, and Vitamin D is a MASSIVE factor in our bodies’ ability to fight disease and infection? It’s true. Most sunscreens contain ingredients that are incredibly toxic, way more dangerous than the sun! You can get sun on your skin safely, and it’s not by roast yourself in the 105* noonday sun in July! Just get out around 10am or 5pm when the sun is still coming up or starting to set…and while you’re at it – don’t wear sunglasses, because morning & evening sunlight in our eyes is really critical for our energy levels & circadian rhythm to help us sleep well at night.
Now to fat & cholesterol. Cholesterol lowering drugs (most commonly Statins) are one of the most widely prescribed drugs in America. But, did you know that your brain requires cholesterol in order to function properly? Lowering cholesterol in the blood can have a profoundly negative effect on your brain, hormones, and joints. High Cholesterol is a symptom of inflammation; it’s telling us that your body is inflamed, and we need to figure out what is causing it…could be diet, could be sedentary living, could be toxic exposure to chemicals, Omega 3 deficiency, high stress, or LACK of Vitamin D from sunshine!! How many men are taking cholesterol meds, suffering from ED as a side effect because it hinders hormone production, then adding more drugs to ‘fix’ that side-effect? How many women are suffering from joint pain and cognitive decline because of cholesterol lower drugs, instead of being taught how to identity lifestyle choices that are creating the environment where they body is sending excess cholesterol into the blood? Our bodies need good fat and plenty of it. If you have high cholesterol, instead of taking a Statin that could harm your health – how about figuring out how to change lifestyle habits that are causing your body to be inflamed? Seed oils (safflower, corn, cottonseed, canola just to name a few) are really highly toxic, including all the foods that are fried in them. However – grassfed butter/ghee, grassfed beef tallow, high-quality olive oil, and avocado oil are much better choices!
Lastly – sodium/salt. Sodium is critical for your heart, nerves, muscles, hydration and blood pressure. For too long people have not be informed that the RIGHT kind of salt/sodium is crucial for a healthy body. Most people are just told to “cut out salt” if they have high blood pressure, but this is not the full story. Yes, please do get the highly processed foods & table salt out of your life for good and switch to a full-mineral containing salt that will actually help CREATE health in your cells (Real Salt, Celtic Grey Salt, etc). You need the RIGHT salt in your life so that your electrolyte balance in your body can properly help control all the things mentioned above and help keep your body stay properly hydrated.
We need Vitamin D from the sunshine on our skin, we need good fats and cholesterol in our diet for healthy brain function, and we need sodium through the right kind of salts in our diet in order for our bodies to maintain health!! Join us for our next EAT WELL workshop Tuesday, Feb 18th where we’ll get into even more about eating in ways that can restore our health!