Not only is it REALLY good for you, but it’s easy to make. You can buy soup bones at a local butcher from grassfed/grass finished cattle or truly free-ranged chickens is your BEST option. If making chicken bone broth, add chicken feet for even more gelatin! For beef, get knuckle bones. Add filtered water to a crockpot with the bones (not tap water in other words), genuine celtic salt, pepper, organic onions and garlic and slow cook it for 24 hours…you have yourself some of the healthiest liquid on the earth. Adding this to your weekly, even daily routine has truly amazing benefits for your body…here’s why:
- Rich in Calcium, Magnesium, Phosphorus, Silicon, Sulphur, and Trace Minerals, wonderful for your Nervous System
- A good source of chondroitin, glucosamine and collagen nutrients that are wonderful for your hair, joints, bones, cartilage & skin; helps with our tissue healing & repair
- High in Protein
- Supporting digestion, it’s healing for the lining of our gut, which in turn restores our immune system and helps our mental health (the gut-brain connection is HUGE!!)
- Easy for our bodies to digest and absorb
- Anti-inflammatory & can act as a wonderful remedy for the common cold
- Can help to reduce blood pressure