Have you ever thought about how many things we call “food” that are a mere trace of what actual food once was?  Think about how many packaged items you eat on a daily basis. 

What was at one time wheat or corn growing in a field, beef that was once a steer, or eggs that were once laid by a hen basically get obliterated and additives added to the point that food is unrecognizable.  

My point is that our bodies were meant to eat real, whole foods or recipes made with them.  Our bodies were not designed to ingest the level of chemical additives that are so commonly used today!  Flavorings, dyes, emulsifiers, thickening agents, sweeteners (both corn syrup or artificial sweeteners), anti-caking chemicals, preservatives to increase shelf-life and on and on the list goes of things “added” to actual food which makes them no longer actual nourishment for our bodies.

Here’s my challenge: Pick a 7-day period where you plan ahead really well, seek out some of your favorite meals and see if you can recreate them without the use of canned, boxed or pre-packed foods or additives of any kind.  Try to eat real, whole foods for 7 days (obviously even better if you did 30-45 days, but if that’s unimaginable, start with 7).  And completely cut out any chemical additives.  See how you feel – I’d be willing to get out on a limb and say you’ll be amazed even after that short time how much better your body feels & functions!