One of God’s Great Gifts to Us

What if most people were completely missing out on of one of the most profound gifts God ever gave us as humans?  What implications might that have for our lives, our health, etc.?

Healing the Wound

 There’s something I want to bring up this week, maybe since Thanksgiving just concluded and many have been with family, maybe a prompting of the Holy Spirit, but please prayerfully consider this subject and I would encourage you with all my heart to take it to the LORD in prayer and see if there be […]

Vessels of Honor

I don’t know about you, but I’d like to be a really faithful servant of the LORD; I want to serve Him well all the days of my life!  If you belong the LORD God, there are expectations He holds for us.  A truly surrendered servant to any King is essential to do the things the King […]

Cleaning Up Life this Fall – Some Compelling Questions For You To Consider

Fall is officially here!!  My favorite, favorite, favorite time of year.  Most people take time for Spring cleaning, but let’s talk about Fall cleaning…and I’m not talking about windows or baseboards (although a clean house does something good for you, too) but how about cleaning up how we’re living in other ways?  Here’s some questions to ponder…see what […]

Need Healing for your Flesh & Refreshment for your Bones?  We have some insight…

Trust in the LORD with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. 6 In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make straight your paths. 7 Be not wise in your own eyes; fear the LORD, and turn away from evil.  8 It will be healing to your flesh and refreshment to your bones.  Proverbs 3:5-8 If you’ve been in church much you’ve heard this, likely even have it […]

The Refreshing Gesture of Hospitality

I’ve spent some time reflecting this weekend on places I have had the great pleasure of visiting and different cultures I’ve encountered across the earth.  Hands down, the things that I enjoyed most about those places is the hospitality that was warmly shown to me.  From slow-paced sharing of meals and conversation at an outdoor table in […]

Like a Well-Watered Garden

We’ve had a backyard garden since 2013, some years much more fruitful than others…but this is the first year I’ve had an irrigation system to keep things well-watered in these 100+ degree days. Let me tell you, it makes ALL the difference in how our garden looks in mid-Summer vs. how it has looked this time […]

Inquire of the LORD

What might we save ourselves from and/or what victories might we gain, if we were so humble and dependent upon Yehovah directing our footsteps as King David was then??   It’s definitely worth some thought & prayer…   

Appointed Times on God’s Calendar in the Spring

From the time of the Exodus, God instituted a celebration in the Spring to be held on the 14th day of the first month on His Calendar (it’s not the same as our Gregorian calendars we use in most places on earth today).  These times and seasons are listed in Leviticus 23, and the one we just […]