For the past 13 years, vaccines have been at the top of my list of things that I believe people need to be informed about!  If you’ve been at Clearview very long, you know that my Workshop topic every January & July is dedicated to updating you on the latest information and mis-information involving vaccines (not only for children, but adults, too)! In addition, I want you to know your rights in the State of Texas and how to properly and wisely utilize that knowledge when dealing with hard questions from doctors, nurses, friends and family who may disagree with you.  Additionally, I want families armed with the BEST information of how you and your family really CAN protect yourselves from disease, and strengthen your immune systems to work exactly the way God designed them to work, instead of relying on man-made philosophies to save you.  All of this to say, if you haven’t attended our Vaccine Workshop in recent years or ever, you’re invited 5:30pm on Tuesday, January 21. Personally, I think it’s critical as we move forward, for you to arm yourself with what I call the “other side of the story”…the one you most likely will NOT hear through traditional medicine and/or mainstream media.  This decision matters very much for you and for your family and your future generations!  RSVP to OR call us (817)326-1174 to save your seat! There are so many resources that I will share with you, so that you can continue doing your own research; this workshop is intended to help you get started!

RSVP through our Facebook page