The new year is always so exciting to me! I just love it, I love the fact that there is a fresh-ness that does not seem to exist any other time of year. Some of you may not know, but March 2015 marks 9 years that Clearview Chiropractic Life Center has been open!!! We will have some fun things coming up in celebration that we want you to be a part of – so stay tuned! And today I just wanted to take the opportunity to share with you just a couple of stories people shared with me the last week of December that I think y’all will appreciate.
- A mom (who was VERY apprehensive about changing her family’s diet to gluten & dairy-free in an effort to help her kids’ allergies) informed me that her son now asks to snack on almonds and is eating things he would have never even tried 2 months ago. By making these lifestyle changes, by faith, she is now seeing rewards far beyond what she ever expected.
- A wonderful woman who has had asthma most of her life informed me that since being under Chiropractic care in 2014, she has used her inhaler much fewer times! Getting adjusted is all she has done different!
- A young woman has been able to do something she has never done before – because her back pain has diminished so much since getting adjusted every week!
It does not matter to me in what way or how people are blessed or receive some type of healing here at Clearview – we just want you to all be blessed and receive healing in some way. I ask God continually in our staff prayer-time that if you make the effort physically and/or financially to be a part of what we are doing at Clearview Chiropractic Life Center, that God will multiply it back to you in blessing 100 fold. I can’t wait to see what 2015 holds for all of us! And if you have any needs in the realm of miracles you are asking for or direction in any health concern you have, we are here for you. Please let us know as soon as possible!!! Blessings upon you for 2015!!!