My family has been walking through one of the hardest seasons any of us have ever been entrusted with in the past 3 decades. We are in many ways exhausted, we are mourning, yet in the midst of all of it…we are filled with the hope of this extravagant Savior of ours. Jesus is more real to us now perhaps than He has ever been, right here inside this season of great loss. Today in particular, I come and type this message from a place where I am experiencing the most crushing heartache of my life. I am also simultaneously seeing with my own two eyes the goodness of the Lord in a way that is beyond all I can imagine.
When Psalm 34 says He’s near to the broken-hearted and rescues those whose spirits are crushed…it is the truth. When the Apostle Paul promises us that in Jesus there is offered to us a peace which passes all human understanding…I’ve seen it and I have felt it. For those of you who have prayed for us, I will shout from the rooftops that God has answered your prayers for peace and comfort. And on behalf of my family, I thank you. Thank you so very much.
The bottom line is that we are trusting God in this season of our lives where it cannot possibly make sense in mere human terms. God’s Word teaches us to fix our eyes NOT on what we can see, but on what we cannot see…the eternal things. And my friend, my sister-in-law, the mother of my 3 precious nephews and the beautiful wife of my brother went into eternity almost 3 weeks ago. And she saw Jesus Christ face to face. We know where she is, we know Who she is with, and we know He is the same one who binds up our broken hearts, and we trust God because He is trustworthy.