Mood. Sleep. Memory. Learning. Appetite. Temperature. Muscle Contraction. Behavior. Hormone Regulation. Feelings of Pleasure.
Q: What do all these things have in common?
A: Each of them are largely activated & regulated by neurotransmitters.
Q: What are some common neurotransmitters in the body?
A: Dopamine, Serotonin, Acetylcholine, GABA
Q: Where do neurotransmitters come from?
A: 70-80% of them are produced in your intestines. The other 20-30% are produced in your Central Nervous System (your brain & spinal cord).
Q: How you do make sure your body is producing healthy neurotransmitters in order for all these areas of your health to function properly?
A: You must have a healthy digestive tract and a healthy Nervous System.
Q: How do create a healthy digestive tract & nervous system?
A: #1. You give your body what it requires for health: Sufficient healthy bacteria (probiotics), sufficient fatty acids (omega 3), sufficient vitamins/minerals, antioxidants, attitude of love, proper posture and spinal motion (proprioception from exercise and chiropractic adjustments)
#2. You remove toxins that distress the gut and nervous system: gluten (protein found in wheat, barley, and rye), casein (protein found in dairy), sugar, drugs (over-the-counter or prescriptions), sedentary living, mental/emotional stress, Subluxation