“God if faithful,” is a phrase you hear very often in circles of people who have faith in the God of Abraham, Isaac & Jacob, and I agree wholeheartedly!! What He has said – He will do, when He makes promises – He keeps them and the words He spoke through the prophets have & will come to pass until all He desires is accomplished. But, the question on my mind today is this: Are we faithful to Him? If He is faithful to us, do we then act faithfully toward Him? There are many who would say that they are called by His Name, but dabble in things that Yehovah our God says in no uncertain terms that He hates. We have His commandments listed and do we purposely or even unknowingly ignore Him? Why do we ignore His commandments He gives us for our good, for life and for blessing? If He really is faithful & trustworthy, wouldn’t it make sense that we yield every aspect of our lives to Him? Why do we justify our participation in things that He hates? If He is completely faithful, shouldn’t we make every effort to be faithful to Him, if we truly Love Him? Hebrews 11 lists person after person, who by their faith and trust, acted out their faithfulness to God. My point is this: it is impossible to please God if we are not faithful to Him, because if we have faith in Him, we not only believe that He is but that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him. Do you seek Him? Do you care what He thinks about the things you do? Do you surrender your own desires to match with His? Do we desire so much to seek Him and to please Him that it actually causes us to alter how and what and why and when we do what we do each day? My meditation today is this…my God IS faithful, am I being faithful to Him day in and day out? Am I seeking Him diligently? Because He loves to reward those who do so, may you & I be found being faithful to Him when He returns.