Did you know your body produces new cells to replace the old ones?  It needs nutrients and power from somewhere.  And it’s up to you & I to give our body what it needs in order to produce healthy cells.  You can eat 1 healthy meal and you eventually need another. If you do 1 workout…good for you! But, just 1 healthy choice won’t do the whole job, will it? You & I need to keep on keeping on!  I think that we’re all in need of some endurance in the area of health and healing.  I fully believe that our bodies were designed and created by a wonder-working God. He did not mess-up His design in creation. How do our bodies and health get off-track, then? That’s right. It is our choices. How we eat, how we move, how we think. My message for you this week is to keep on keeping on with the things that drive you toward health and healing. Endure.Don’t give up.Don’t grow weary. One of our greatest struggles in the world we live in today (myself included) is food. Make plans now to join us on May 17th @ 5:30pm for our next Eat Well workshop. You’re going to get the nuts & bolts of HOW to start implementing ways to eat health-fully and practical solutions for the most common questions regarding what and how we should eat. It’s just 1 area where you can actually make a difference in your body being able to replace old cells with even healthier ones.