In the 17th century, Nicholas Culpeper (1616–1654) mentioned comfrey in his enlarged version of The English Physitian (Culpeper, 1656). He stated: “It is said to be so powerful to consolidate and knit together (…) and a Syrup made thereof is very effectual for all those (…) outward Wounds and Sores in the Fleshy or Sinewy part of the Body whatsoever’. He recommended comfrey among many other complaints for ‘Inward Wounds & Bruises, Wounds, Ruptures, broken Bones, Inflamation, Gout, and Pained Joynts.” – Comfrey-A Clinical Review, Staiger
Read the full scientific journal entry here:
Because I’m constantly on the look-out for alternatives to people taking anti-inflammatory drugs (either over-the-counter or Rx), this medicinal plant crossed my radar and I wanted to share it. The use of comfrey root for anti-inflammatory purposes is centuries old, and actually has quite a bit of science to back-up it’s effective use! We know how harmful Tylenol can be with its blocking of glutathione (see my previous article a few months ago), Advil/Motrin/Aleve can all increase chances of heart attacks and strokes, Aspirin has been linked with gastro-intestinal bleeding and bleeding strokes, and many different NSAID’s have been linked to kidney damage & kidney failure. So, while we know getting adjusted when you’ve injured yourself is the first step to proper healing, often people will ask me about taking NSAID’s as well to help with the pain and inflammation initially. These pain meds are not “neutral” in the human body…the can cause harm. So, something natural is a wonderful help! Comfrey Root has been studied in the treatment of joint sprains, dislocations, muscle pain & strains, skin wounds, osteoarthritis pain, blunt injuries, and has been found safe for kids 3 and older!