What do Sunshine, Cholesterol & Salt Have in Common?

It’s crazy how many things we’ve been led to believe are harmful to our health that are actually vital, and these 3 things top that list, in my opinion! Let’s talk about how to health-fully put these things 3 back into our lives and thus reap really great benefits! For years, skin cancer has been blamed on sun-exposure alone. But, did you […]
Federal Judge Makes Ruling on Fluoride Dangers

As undeniable evidence mounts that fluoride harms children’s brains, a historic ruling by a federal judge—and a report the government tried desperately to bury—may finally end the practice of adding this toxin to America’s drinking water. (Find the full article HERE) For over 2 decades, scientists have warned about the harmful effects of fluoride exposure […]
What does it mean to really educate yourself before you or your children agree to a vaccine?

For the past 13 years, vaccines have been at the top of my list of things that I believe people need to be informed about! If you’ve been at Clearview very long, you know that my Workshop topic every January & July is dedicated to updating you on the latest information and mis-information involving vaccines (not […]
Which one are you?

Posture, when looking at someone from the side, can really tell us a lot about our health and even our future health! There was a study performed in Japan, where they looked at 2193 individuals’ posture and related that to different health outcomes. They measured first how close the back of their head was to the […]
What Direction Are You Headed with Your Health?

We’re all on a trajectory; every decision we’re making has an accumulative effect either leading us toward healing, and a better, longer life…or the opposite. How you choose to eat, move and think on a daily basis not only matters for how you feel & function today, but how you’re going to feel & function in years to […]
Cleaning Up Life this Fall – Some Compelling Questions For You To Consider

Fall is officially here!! My favorite, favorite, favorite time of year. Most people take time for Spring cleaning, but let’s talk about Fall cleaning…and I’m not talking about windows or baseboards (although a clean house does something good for you, too) but how about cleaning up how we’re living in other ways? Here’s some questions to ponder…see what […]
Better Sleep is Critical for Health & Healing

We’ll definitely talk about what positions are best momentarily, but I also want to cover the critical nature of getting to sleep and staying asleep for our health & healing processes. Recovery happens when we sleep!! It’s so important that you aren’t making little decisions that are totally sabotaging your body’s ability to heal properly during your […]
Broad-Spectrum Minerals & Gut Repair – Here’s Why it’s So Important

Healing your gut could potentially be the most worth-while thing you can do for your health in the world we live in today! Did you know that glyphosate (the active ingredient in Round-Up) is classified as an anti-biotic? That’s right – anytime you’re walking on ground that’s been sprayed or eating food conventionally grown with Round-Up […]
1 Exercise, Many Benefits

“Dead Hangs” don’t require much in the way of time, and they really do pack a huge amount of benefit for our health! If you’ve ever been in a gym, you have seen overhead bars that can be easily used for dead-hangs.
We Were Never Designed to Sit All Day!

Prolonged sitting is so hard on your spine and causes imbalances in muscle tightness, which you feel from the back of your head to the lower back. Not only does it effect your body physically, but it effects your overall blood sugar and stress hormones which lead to weight-gain. A study was recently published in April on taking […]