Healing your gut could potentially be the most worth-while thing you can do for your health in the world we live in today! Did you know that glyphosate (the active ingredient in Round-Up) is classified as an anti-biotic? That’s right – anytime you’re walking on ground that’s been sprayed or eating food conventionally grown with Round-Up used, or even drinking tap water…glyphosate has permeated nearly all of America in some form or fashion. The lining of human and animal digestive systems were never meant to handle this kind of chronic chemical stressor and the constant exposure to anti-biotics. When our gut-lining is damaged from glyphosate, processed foods, stress (putting us in fight-or-flight physiologically), lack of proper nutrients in our food, and lack of enough fiber to clean our colons – we have the perfect storm for gut-related issues and diseases. BUT THERE IS HOPE FOR HEALING!! Symptoms like diarrhea, constipation, irritable bowel disease, Crohn’s, and even Ulcerative Colitis have all been linked with significant mineral deficiencies. By adding broad-spectrum minerals to your diet, it’s been shown to actually begin to repair the very important, very delicate lining of the large and small intestines. Once these mineral deficiencies are filled and stay filled, the gut lining is repaired, and the incredibly important job of the gut lining’s role in our immunity is restored, digestion properly happens, and the elimination of toxins is accomplished. I recommend ION Gut Support or BEAM Minerals/Electrolytes, either are a great option if you want to add these amazing minerals to your daily routine. They are soil-based minerals sourced from ancient soils mined deep in the earth in Arizona.