Need Healing for your Flesh & Refreshment for your Bones?  We have some insight…

Trust in the LORD with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. 6 In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make straight your paths. 7 Be not wise in your own eyes; fear the LORD, and turn away from evil.  8 It will be healing to your flesh and refreshment to your bones.  Proverbs 3:5-8 If you’ve been in church much you’ve heard this, likely even have it […]

Better Sleep is Critical for Health & Healing

We’ll definitely talk about what positions are best momentarily, but I also want to cover the critical nature of getting to sleep and staying asleep for our health & healing processes. Recovery happens when we sleep!!  It’s so important that you aren’t making little decisions that are totally sabotaging your body’s ability to heal properly during your […]

Broad-Spectrum Minerals & Gut Repair – Here’s Why it’s So Important

Healing your gut could potentially be the most worth-while thing you can do for your health in the world we live in today!  Did you know that glyphosate (the active ingredient in Round-Up) is classified as an anti-biotic? That’s right – anytime you’re walking on ground that’s been sprayed or eating food conventionally grown with Round-Up […]

The Refreshing Gesture of Hospitality

I’ve spent some time reflecting this weekend on places I have had the great pleasure of visiting and different cultures I’ve encountered across the earth.  Hands down, the things that I enjoyed most about those places is the hospitality that was warmly shown to me.  From slow-paced sharing of meals and conversation at an outdoor table in […]

1 Exercise, Many Benefits

“Dead Hangs” don’t require much in the way of time, and they really do pack a huge amount of benefit for our health!  If you’ve ever been in a gym, you have  seen overhead bars that can be easily used for dead-hangs. 

Where to Go in the Grocery Store for Better Health 

When you walk in the grocery store, where you actually go in the store really matters, if you’re wanting to focus on your HEALTH. One of the best rules-of-thumb for grocery shopping is to stick to the perimeter of the store. Why?  It’s where most of the real food is located!! Next time you head into the […]

Like a Well-Watered Garden

We’ve had a backyard garden since 2013, some years much more fruitful than others…but this is the first year I’ve had an irrigation system to keep things well-watered in these 100+ degree days. Let me tell you, it makes ALL the difference in how our garden looks in mid-Summer vs. how it has looked this time […]

We Were Never Designed to Sit All Day!

Prolonged sitting is so hard on your spine and causes imbalances in muscle tightness, which you feel from the back of your head to the lower back.  Not only does it effect your body physically, but it effects your overall blood sugar and stress hormones which lead to weight-gain.   A study was recently published in April on taking […]

Natural Approaches to Anxiety and Depression

Anxiety and depression effect untold numbers of people in America. One of my biggest passions is helping you #1-understand that your body was created to heal and function properly,  #2-that there are ways to help your body heal naturally without relying on prescription medications; certain lifestyle choices can rapidly begin to change the trajectory of […]