Want to stop wear & tear in its tracks? Fix your alignment! And no, I’m actually not talking about your tires, although the exact principle applies.
The longer you live with a spine which is subluxated or misaligned, the more wear and tear will show up. I wonder if you parents, who are making the effort and sacrifice to bring your children to the Chiropractor for regular adjustments, have any idea the investment you are making in their future? Let me just tell you…YOU ARE MAKING A MASSIVE, POSITIVE, LIFE-GIVING INVESTMENT INTO THE FUTURE OF YOUR CHILD when you get him/her adjusted regularly!
Just think about how many times as children and teens, we ran into things or fell down or slipped or threw ourselves onto the ground or wrecked bicycles, fell off beds (even bunkbeds!), slipped in tubs…need I mention football? Now we add in screen-time where you sit with your head cocked downward, straightening out the normal healthy curve that should be in the neck. This discussion could go on and on and on. My point is this: we get ONE spine in our lifetime…it’s a brilliant idea to take care of it! If you don’t, it will wear out. If you have been extra hard on your body, then it could wear out even faster. If you or someone you know have an alignment problem, the good news is that there is help!